L&L Crewing is a Brazilian Licensed Company and MLC 2006 Certified by the Bureau Veritas Standard to operate as a Private Service Provider supplying seafarers and crew for the Maritime Industry, Working Visa Application for your corporation, Payroll Management, Recruitment & Selection, Personnel Logistics for Crew Change, Regulatory Norms Courses, SISPAT/Prestserv, Document Control.
To meet the market’s demand, we have experienced and qualified professionals in our staff for those tasks and in addition we have a robust database with registered professionals ready to embark with extensive experience of working on board of vessels and rigs, so we are capable of manning and operating practically any type of offshore facilities in Brazilian water and abroad and our talented pool is constantly growing and L&L Crewing has a great track of good record in acquiring and developing human resources for the maritime industry.
All of our applicants are admitted to a rigorous screening process and a verification mechanism for their bookings, where we assess their performance history and their motivation for being admitted to our database. Our office in Rio de Janeiro manages a loyal group of professionals that we can count on almost immediately to make our recruitment and selection process easier and more agile to meet all our clients' demands.
Achieve the interest of our country and serve our customers to their maximum satisfaction, serving through ethics and trust in our services.
Provide manpower solutions for the offshore industry with professionals trained and qualified to work onboard drilling rigs, FPSO, ROV operations and mostly qualified seafarers for all positions of the offshore or deep-sea vessels.
Our mission is to provide excellence in human resource services to become a prominent crewing organization with sustainable leadership, providing an unique interaction with customers and offering integration of the many innovative services we provide.
To deliver world class services to our Clients backed up by the best Support, Service and Consulting.
The main principles of our business are professionalism, mutual trust, respect, safe work and efficiency. Our commitment to personal integrity and ethics goes beyond our respect for the law. It applies to each and every aspect of our business activity.